Stock photographs are expensive. Some professional photographers distribute their work under Creative Commons but if the license includes the Non-Commercial (NC) clause, you (the licensee) aren’t supposed to use their images on a for-profit website or one that has ads.
ImgEmbed is an online marketplace of photographs that offers a freemium option – you can embed any image on your website for free and and pay only if the impression count for that image exceeds 10,000. ImgEmbed uses a pay-per-view (CPM) model and website owner need to pay anywhere between $1-$10 per 1,000 impressions (the price is set by the photograph owner) once they exceed the free quota of 10,000 impressions (per image).
To give you an example, this photograph of the iconic Empire State Building in New York was found on ImgEmbed. There are no upfront costs and I will charged $3 CPM only if this blog post becomes popular and crosses 10,000 page views, else the image is free.
ImgEmbed uses a pay-per-view (CPM) model and website owner need to pay anywhere between $1-$10 per 1,000 impressions (the price is set by the photograph owner) once they exceed the free quota of 10,000 impressions (per image).
To give you an example, this photograph of the iconic Empire State Building in New York was found on ImgEmbed. There are no upfront costs and I will charged $3 CPM only if this blog post becomes popular and crosses 10,000 page views, else the image is free.
ImgEmbed uses a pay-per-view (CPM) model and website owner need to pay anywhere between $1-$10 per 1,000 impressions (the price is set by the photograph owner) once they exceed the free quota of 10,000 impressions (per image).
To give you an example, this photograph of the iconic Empire State Building in New York was found on ImgEmbed. There are no upfront costs and I will charged $3 CPM only if this blog post becomes popular and crosses 10,000 page views, else the image is free.
You can also sell your photographs of ImgEmbed and earn a fee when other websites or blogs choose to embed any of your photographs.
ImgEmbed is an online marketplace of photographs that offers a freemium option – you can embed any image on your website for free and and pay only if the impression count for that image exceeds 10,000. ImgEmbed uses a pay-per-view (CPM) model and website owner need to pay anywhere between $1-$10 per 1,000 impressions (the price is set by the photograph owner) once they exceed the free quota of 10,000 impressions (per image).
To give you an example, this photograph of the iconic Empire State Building in New York was found on ImgEmbed. There are no upfront costs and I will charged $3 CPM only if this blog post becomes popular and crosses 10,000 page views, else the image is free.
Sell your Instagram, Flickr, Picasa and Facebook Photos
You can also sell your photographs of ImgEmbed and earn a fee when other websites or blogs choose to embed any of your photographs.u can embed any image on your website for free and and pay only if the impression count for that image exceeds 10,000.ImgEmbed uses a pay-per-view (CPM) model and website owner need to pay anywhere between $1-$10 per 1,000 impressions (the price is set by the photograph owner) once they exceed the free quota of 10,000 impressions (per image).
To give you an example, this photograph of the iconic Empire State Building in New York was found on ImgEmbed. There are no upfront costs and I will charged $3 CPM only if this blog post becomes popular and crosses 10,000 page views, else the image is free.
Sell your Instagram, Flickr, Picasa and Facebook Photos
You can also sell your photographs of ImgEmbed and earn a fee when other websites or blogs choose to embed any of your photographs.u can embed any image on your website for free and and pay only if the impression count for that image exceeds 10,000.ImgEmbed uses a pay-per-view (CPM) model and website owner need to pay anywhere between $1-$10 per 1,000 impressions (the price is set by the photograph owner) once they exceed the free quota of 10,000 impressions (per image).
To give you an example, this photograph of the iconic Empire State Building in New York was found on ImgEmbed. There are no upfront costs and I will charged $3 CPM only if this blog post becomes popular and crosses 10,000 page views, else the image is free.
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